Monday, March 8, 2010

I love 3

It's my number. And that's that.
This is what we didn't know about it though:

3 is the greatest number of consecutive integers that can be pairwise relatively prime
3 is the only prime sandwiched between a prime and a composite number
3 is the only prime followed by a square
Every positive integer is the sum of at most 3 triangular numbers
If the n-th Fibonacci number is prime, then n must itself be prime, with the exception of 3, which is the 4th Fibonacci number
3 is the only number which is equal to the sum of all the natural numbers less than it
3 is the only triangular number that is also prime

Learnt from this crazy cool website called "Number Gossip – enter a number and learn everything you wanted to know about it but were afraid to ask" CLICK here to learn about your number.

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