Thursday, December 17, 2009

Knowing New York

Realized I know nothing about this city. First time I went here during the summer of 2007, I felt that I could easily be in command of any given Guide Tour. The grid pattern and genius positioning of the street and avenues ion consequential order made me feel invincible. Ever since that first trip I’ve felt more and more lost on my return visits. This place is immense.

Turns out its not simply built on the four corner pillars I first thought after all (Downtown, Lower East/West, Midtown, Upper East/West and Harlem – five I know – but who goes to up north besides black people and Yankee fans, ey). It is divided into all these million of more areas/districts than anyone thought possible. Scattered. Everywhere. Something that could easily break the toughest Marine and make him feel empty and lost. Being a survivor of nature I usually endure the days anyway.

This Christmas my family and a good, good friend is coming to New York. But before we yell, yippee, we need to assert a few things. They’re going to expect a virtuosic guiding of this city and will expect it from me. Problem is, I know of no good restaurants or any sightseeing worthy of a visit. "Well, Statue of Liberty is on the other side of the river there, and look - isn't this Wall Street, just a couple of blocks down". Heck I see the Statue every other morning on my runs (we give each other the courtesy-nod of respect) and have my lunch from wherever the gang of choice for the day decides to go (my pick is always The Vietnamese) and dinner is usually either cooked at home or ordered from my new favorite, Bennie’s Thai Café.

I mean, sometimes I go out, of course, I am just never in charge and have no idea of where we’re going or later recollection of any location/name.

Damn it. I hate acknowledging these things. Makes me feel pitiful. Knowing New York, instigated.

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