Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cause what is simple in the moonlight by the morning never is

Worked very fast to finish in time for the drink at Thompson. Like really fast. Also needed to sooth the humiliation previous on the day after losing six ping-pong games in a row. So I took a pit stop at a bar waiting for Thea (walking is such a drag!) and then we headed to meet Domingo and Alex at Dove Parlour.

Had a few beers and drinks too many before we realized we hadn’t eaten yet. Off to some obscure bar and ordered our own version of tapas and then everyone else (we had managed to gather quite a crew by now!) decided roof top party at Domingo’s was a brilliant idea but I didn’t, got in to a cab and drove off. To Williamsburg, infinity, bed and beyond.

Arriving first to the office, munching on strawberries, I realize it was both clever and wise, "ingenious decision, christian".

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