Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Work at 9am

Even the sheer thought of it feels repulsive/weird. Only an hour before regular swinging in to the office, but enough to make this entire evening revolve around it. “Going up early tomorrow, better not eat anything too late” I nod in agreement to myself and shove another spoon of Strawberry Yogurt into my mouth and down to the belly.

Also knowing that it probably will rain again tomorrow is also another remotely tempting incentive to start thinking about this now. Why we do it? Because we looove the self-torturing part of it. We humans love to test our endurance and skills, do the worse thing possible, preferable when everyone else prior has failed, to show-off without having to, ‘show-off’, and then push our limits. That’s what we do.

It’s just displayed differently throughout the world. Some climb Mount Everest or ride a barrel down the Niagara Falls, walk the miles of sand across never-ending deserts, travel to space or just develop cure for cancer, while the rest of us prepare to be at work at nine. Or contemplating about briskly showers during the run tomorrow morning, or which shirt to use as a spare ping-pong shirt at work (trust me I looked hideous during my three games today, remember i sweat easily; 1-1 against Domingo, and 0-1 against Jakob – but he’s the boss, so didn’t want to embarrass him in front of his staff) but in the end – it’s all same-same.

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