Tuesday, March 31, 2009

That close

Knew I was in a rush. Always am, but this morning felt a lot more hastily than usual.
As I sprinted out and across the first field of grass I noticed something different. I had power in my legs, confidence in my mind and, because of my own time-delay, the need to be fast.
It was beautiful. So fast. Like a rocket launched, a cheetah on the hunt, a man with a goal. If there was an audience they'd be absolutely mad. Glad to have been there. Witness it all live on scene.
New PB coming up.
Checked my interval-times several times and that felt even better; confirming my quest for rejuvenated glory. Destiny was on my shoulders cheering on, clapping hands, screaming "go faster, harder, stronger". This was it. Nothing in between what was soon to be mine and myself but...myself.
And so it ended. Yet another story that failed to deliver. A boy that came close, “o well at least you tried”. Crushed by his own imagination. Defeated with a silent DOH!

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