Friday, December 5, 2008

Out or not out

Am experiencing some difficult decisions. Some hard issues to confront.
Thing is. Tomorrow is Gustaf’s birthday and we will all go bowl during the day and after I've striked away he’s having some drinks at his place and we’ll probably head out afterwards. Fair enough. All good.
But whatabouttonight then. Well yes, that’s what’s troubling yours truly. Should I “just head our for a short little while, and head home very early" or "remain seated" at Erik’s. continue "doing nothing".
This is to be taken very seriously, I reckon.
That’s why I won’t leave it to none other than the hands of the one-and-only-master.
Chance, what do you say, is it my destiny to go out tonight or is it by sheer accident I’ll go out?
And remember, as far as we know it, despite what anyone else says about rebirth, reincarnation and yadi-yadi, (no one in the world really remembers their past life anyway) we only live once.

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