Thursday, November 20, 2008

Eerie thoughts

I think a lot. Some people think I think too much. But that’s alright. People can think what they want about my thinking.
The thing is lately; I’ve been having some weird, nasty thoughts that I tend to fulfill (the story about what whatever subject or matter) in my head once they pop up.
I’m not talking about reaching a closure on every thought or so, but annoying enough to make you feel like a creep.
A friend popped the every-guy-must-answer-question the other day, what would you rather do: blow a guy or get stripped in the ass by a guy, until ejaculation on both of course.
And I started contemplating about the options, I don’t mean giving any serious thought which answer (ass, of course), but picturing myself in the situations…
Or whenever old couples pass me by, I can wonder if they still have sex, then I get all eerie pictures in my head of their naked bodies colliding while still strapped to their wheelchairs…
Must. Stop. Now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog man! I lived in SH you know.. Schönbeck