Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Massive assembling on the roof

It started as a real-life movie-moment in the office.
Someone said something. People rose up and started slowly walking towards the windows, instantly noticing the preventable time-consumption of slowly walking towards the window; people dashed for a spot close enough to observe.
It got crowded and mass-hysterical events flashed by your eyes.
Then someone shouted, let’s go to the roof, and everyone rushed to the staircase. It got jam-packed straight away and the claustrophobic sense of wearing a pair of wet, too-tight jeans emerged.
People were almost in trance and kept mumbling and preyed to themselves it wouldn’t be too late, that it wouldn’t have disappeared.
Hope we haven’t missed it.
As we reached smogged air again we gathered around the edge to witness a very rare rainbow-moment in Shanghai together and I think I even saw a wet corner in someone's eye.

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